We all get sucked into routines and ways of doing things, from waking up when the alarm goes off to checking our emails in bed, before rushing out the door and grabbing a coffee on the way to work. Instead why not look at creating a new routine that enables you to track your business ideas, be more productive and make time to look after you and your wellbeing? There is no need to be scared about coming up with ways to freshen up your way of working; there are loads of apps out there to help you do it. We’ve pulled together the best apps that are going to help you rejuvenate your routine…
Do you ever feel like your ideas and thoughts sometimes get lost in the rush of day-to-day life? We all find it difficult to keep everything in order, so Evernote is the perfect way to get effortlessly organized. Whether you’re making checklists, noting down quick thoughts, filing important documents, or creating agendas – with this app you can put it all in one place, and then easily archive everything and share it with your colleagues.
If you’re more of a visual person, Mindly is the app for you. Its makers say it helps you ‘organize your inner universe to give structure to your thoughts’. This smart interactive mind map links all your thoughts and ideas together and tracks them as they evolve.
If you need help staying motivated, tracking your progress towards goals is likely to keep you enthused. What’s more, you can track how long you spend on tasks and break down those overwhelming goals into small, manageable steps.
If you tend to procrastinate, you might want to look at the Pomodoro technique which is based on working against the clock to eliminate distractions and focus on one task at a time. In the app you can set how long you want to work for with assigned breaks, so you know when you’ve earned that reward.
Looking for a bit of inspiration? Then TED is the place for you. It features thought-provoking talks from the most inspiring people all over the globe, on practically any topic you can think of. Its mission is to spread knowledge and ideas, so you never know what you might pick up on the way.
If you don’t have the time to search for that daily inspiration, why not get it sent direct to your phone as a push notification? Each day you’ll receive a quote from great leaders of the past and present to get your creative juices flowing. It’s like having your own personal mentor on your phone.
Mindfulness is a hot topic at the moment, and if you want to give it a try Headspace is a great app to start with. If you’re stressed and feeling a bit overwhelmed, take a bit of time out of your day to focus on what matters to you – whether that’s your health, relationships or performance – you’ll get the hang of mindfulness in just 10 minutes a day.
If music helps you unwind but finding the time to search for new songs stresses you out, look no further. The Playlist a Day app will send you fresh songs every day based on your listening habits. Don’t you just love it when tech takes the hard work away from you?